Plastic structures
Windows - primary type of activity of our company. We are dealing with windows for many years and we know everything about windows.
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Everyone must have heard that PVC structures do not breathe, which results in the condensation appearing on the windows. Condensation appearing is the essential factor in the constructional use of the glass. Condensate appears where the cold air collides with the warm air. This happens due to the four variables:
- thermal conductivity of glazing unit;
- outdoor air temperature;
- indoor air temperature;
- relative air humidity in the room where the condensate appears.
It should be noted that in Soviet times the windows has “natural ventilation system”, based on the poorly sealed seams. Of course, air exchange took place, but drafts also happen often and family members caught cold. Upon installing of the hermetically sealed windows the air exchange through cracks no longer occurs and all the moisture condenses on cold surfaces. You can avoid that by ventilating the room few times a day or using the microventilation system.
The cause of condensation is mostly in so-called "cold bridges". In the rooms with poor air exchange condensation is formed not only on windows, but also on the reveals, walls and even ceilings.
Causes of mold appearance:
- insufficient or no air exchange;
- thin building envelope
- very thin windows
- no ventilation system.
What causes the appearance of condensate?
During the existing humidity in the room the temperature decrease occurs.